GermanDE-CH-ATEnglish (UK)

High strength super light-weight tubing


Bolzen mit Knopfdruck-Verriegelung für zahlreiche Anwendungen, besonders im Flugsportbereich und in der Reha-Technik.
Schaft, Achse und Sperrkugeln dieses seit 20 Jahren bewährten Qualitätsprodukts bestehen aus hochfestem Edelstahl. Drei Sperrkugeln anstelle der sonst üblichen zwei bewirken doppelte Auszugsfestigkeit.
Ausführung mit zwei Kugeln und Sonderlängen auf Anfrage!
Die als Zubehör erhältlichen Sicherungsabschlusskappen mit eingepresstem Stahlring verhindern, dass die Sperrbolzenkugeln verschmutzen, einfrieren oder beschädigt werden.
Bruchlast in Querrichtung zweischnittig 2,8 t.
Finsterwalder is famous for a large selection of high strength super light-weight tubing from special aluminium alloys unavailable elsewhere. The tubing is also used for sport aviation purposes. We should like to draw attention to the fact, that each individual tube should be specially tested when used in safety critical situations.

In Finsterwalder gliders you will exclusively find tested tubings made from alloy 7075 (Perunal)!
Art.N° Sail batten-/blindman´s stick tubes alloy 7075 T6: € / m
A10   Saw cut, per cut 0,75
R11   Rohr unanodised 11.0x0.76, 68,5 g/m, Perunal, F=76, L = 3,20 m 7,40
R11E   Rohr anodised 11.0x0.76, 68,5 g/m, Perunal, F=76, L = 3,20 m 11,90
R12/0,45   Rohr unanodised 12x0.45, 46g/m, Perunal, F=60, L = 3,80 m 7,40
R12/0.45E   Rohr anodised 12x0.45, 46g/m, Perunal, F=60, L = 1,90 m 11,90
R13   Rohr unanodised 13.3x0.6, 67 g/m, Perunal, F=60, L = 3,64 m 7,40
R13E   Rohr anodised 13.3x0.6, 67 g/m, Perunal, F=60, L = 2,40 m  11,90
Art.N° Tubes € / m
A10   Saw cut, per cut 0,75
R22E   21,90 x 0,90, 150 g/m, AlZn4,5Mn, F = 38, L = 5,00 m 8,00
R22/0,4EP   22,00 x 0,45, anodised, 85 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, L = 4,75 m 15,90
R28   28,50 x 1,70, unanodised, 400 g/m, Avional, F = 38, L = 6,58 m 21,00
R28E   28,50 x 1,70, anodised, 400 g/m, Avional, F = 38, L = 1,32 / 6,58 m 24,35
R32/0,9   32,40 x 0,90, unanodised, 234 g/m, Avional, F = 38, L = 6,00 m 14,00
R32/0,9PE   32,40 x 0,90, pol.-anodised,, 234 g/m, Avional, F = 38, L = 1,467 m 21,00
R40PE   40,00 x 0,85, pol.-anodised,, 295 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, L = 1,62 m 40,00
R45   45,60 x 0,85, unanodised, 330 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, L = 6,00 m 40,90
R45E   45,60 x 0,85, anodised, 330 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, L = 6,00 m  43,70
R45PE   45,60 x 0,80, pol.-anodised,, 330 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, L = 2,00 m 38,00
R47/0,65   47,00 x 0,65, unanodised, 265 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, L = 1,90 m (2. Wahl) 28,80
R47   47,30 x 0,80, unanodised, 330 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, L = 5,75 m 41,40
R47/0,65PE   47,30 x 0,65, pol.-anodised,, 250 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, L = 1,91 m (2. Wahl)  28,80
R47PE   47,30 x 0,80, pol.-anodised,, 330 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, L = 1,91 m 52,90
R52   52,00 x 0,90, unanodised, 390 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, L = 5,80 m 45,50
R52PE   52,00 x 0,90, pol.-anodised,, 390 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, L = 1,92 m 59,20
R54   54,00 x 0,90, unanodised, 420 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, L = 5,90 m 47,40
R54PE   54,00 x 0,90, pol.-elo., 420 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, L = 0,91 / 1,28 / 1,49 / 1,76 / 1,92 /        2,52 / 3,76 m  61,20
R60   60,00 x 0,90, unanodised, 470 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, Länge auf Anfrage 57,80
R60PE   60,00 x 0,90, pol.-anodised,, 470 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, L = 1,91 / ca. 2,00 m 71,90
R62PE   62,00 x 0,90, pol.-anodised,, 485 g/m, Perunal, F = 60, L = 1,84 m 74,80


Prices for larger quantites see manufacturer price list !

  A x B = Outside diameter A mm, Wall thickness B mm
  F = Tensile and compression strength pro mm 2
  L =
length of uncut tube (minimum order)

Please note,


that the tubes are usually available only in the length stated below. Other lengths are sometimes available, however the delivery times are usually very long.

Tubes over 2 m length sometimes cause high packing and shippping costs. If desired we will cut the tubing for you at the nominal cost of € 0,75 per cut. We must also charge for unusable off cuts. The minimum order is 1 tube. We have no off cuts resulting from our glider production.

For purchase over € 500,-- in value per tube measurement, we are able to offer discount. Please call us and ask for a quote.

When picking up orders, please give us one day's notice.




Art. N° Tubing accessories: KS... KK... KSLS12  KSLEI12  KSLE06  Se22  KSLE16  KSLS16 
KK18-25   Tube end caps for inner-Ø 18, 20, 25 mm 0,60
KK36-58   Tube end caps for inner-Ø 36, 38, 44, 48, 50, 58  mm 1,50
KS52   Saddle part tube-Ø 47-54 mm 1,30
KSLS/KSLE   Tips/ ends for sail battens,  inner-Ø 11, 12 mm 1,50
Se22   Adapter for batten inner 11 mm, to fibre glass bar 6 mm 0,80
Ha72/1   Saddle piece 3 mm Avional 5,60

Prices for larger quantites see manufacturer price list !