Seine Wendigkeit ermöglicht ein fast müheloses Fliegen. Trotzdem hat er keinerlei Giertendenz, so dass auch weniger erfahrene Piloten den Lightfex sicher beherrschen. Obwohl einer der leichtesten Drachen überhaupt, verträgt der Lightfex aufgrund seiner hohen Materialqualität härtesten Übungshangeinsatz.
Our floater for light pilots has performance data which can otherwise only be matched by good intermediate gliders.
It's agility makes almost effortless flying possible, yet in spite of this there is no tendency whatsoever to yaw, which means that less experienced pilots feel well in control of the Lightfex. Although on of the lightest weight gliders available, the Lightfex due to it's high quality construction and materials can bear the brunt of the hardest of days on the practise hill.
Controlbar bracket - High-tech fittings also used on our floaters. |
The king-post hang-in decreases control forces and eases landing. |
Lightfex |
Surface: |
14 m² |
Span: |
9 m |
Nose angle: |
120° |
Weight: |
19,5 kg |
V-min: |
24 km/h |
V-max: |
80 km/h |
Glide ratio: |
1:10,5 |
Upper battens: |
15 |
Lower battens: |
- |
Tip battens spring loaded |
Packing lengthes: |
1,85/3,75/5,2 m |
Rec. pilot weight: |
45-75 kg |
Max. loading: |
90 kg |
Pilot classification: |
2 |
Certification: |
Article: |
L1000 |
Price: |
4985,00 € |
 Range of use

Schooling |
Thermal |
Distance |
Race |